Date/Version: (04/23/2024 v1)

Process Owner: IPE Team

Purpose - Process steps for referring cases to the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) that are in the Paternity or Establishment functions


Step (1,2,3..) Process Step (list of the critical process steps) Dialogue (clear and simple descriptions, appropriate level of detail for the task)

Review for possible referral to the AGO

  1. Review all new open cases for paternity or establishment referral

  1. Review any outstanding alerts/tasks


Review case for existing child support order

  1. Review Activity History to determine if a court order has been identified
  2. Review the Clerk of Court (COC) and the Supreme Court website for Arizona court orders
  3. Review the State Services Portal (SSP) for out of state orders
  4. If a child support order is located:
  5. Image support order(s) to the Document Library
  6. Request support order from other jurisdiction (OJ) with Transmittal #3
  7. Enter F0070 and F0071 if not already on Activity History

Review case for additional information

  1. Review scanned application
  2. Does the application include all the children on the case file and is the application signed and dated?
  3. Does a Legally Presumed Father (LPF) exist for any of the children?
  4. If yes, mail out LPF waiver & monitor for a response if not on file
  5. If LPF cannot be located, document Activity History with findings
  6. Review for related cases
  7. Pseduo SSN, role reversal, bio parent case, etc.
  8. Review case to determine if each child who needs paternity established has an accurate Affidavit Support Paternity CS-454
  9. Review Hospital Paternity Program (HPP) database for paternity acknowledgments for the children on the case
  10. Request HPP interface if paternity establishment is not populated
  11. Are birth certificates on file for all children on the case?
  12. Review Activity History and AGO Referral to review case history and prior referrals
  13. Review Activity History and AGO Referral to review case history and prior referrals
  14. Are the children in the household?

Review case for Support Recipient Contact

  1. Review Activity History for Support Recipient contact in the last six months
  2. Review for family safety questionnaire. Review case for A1300 and ensure family violence has been reviewed on the case
  3. If no recent contact, mail out Notice of Continuation of Services (FAI/NAI cases only) or Request for Information (CAI cases)
  4. If documents are needed for the referral, schedule an appointment for the Support Recipient
  5. Set FREE task item to determine if Support Recipient responds, if no response, review case for sanction or closure

Review for Support Payor locate

  1. Does a verified locate exist for the Support Payor?
  2. If not, run locate following the Locate SOP)
  3. Does Support Payor live outside of Arizona?
  4. Does Arizona (AZ) have Personal Jurisdiction to Long Arm as defined in the Long-Arm Jurisdiction Desk Aid?
  5. If AZ does not have Personal Jurisdiction, prepare the case to initiate to the state where the
  6. Support Payor resides Support Recipient will need to complete UIFSA documents

Attorney consultation

Quality control for accuracy

  1. Caretaker Cases
  2. Only if bio-parent support order exists
  3. Minor Parent Cases
  4. Tribal Members
  5. Subject Matter Jurisdiction (SMJ) worksheet sent to AG for SMJ determination
  6. Same Sex Cases

Quality Control for Data Accuracy

  1. Review Member Information
  2. Ensure names and dates of birth for the children match their birth certificates
  3. Ensure Member names, dates of birth and social security numbers are accurate
  4. Review/update the paternity establishment screen

Preparing case for AGO referral

  1. If case is not ready for referral, document case using M3349 P&E REVIEW-ACTION PENDING documenting why case is not ready for referral
  2. If case is not ready for referral due to pending locate, document case using L1045 NCP LOCATE RESULTS PENDING documenting on the status of the locate
  3. Confirm the following:
  4. DCSS Application is uploaded, signed and dated
  5. Contact with the Support Recipient has been attempted
  6. Children reside in the household
  7. The following documents have been uploaded:
  8. Affidavit Supporting Paternity CS-454 for all children who need paternity established
  9. Birth Certificates for all children
  10. SMJ Worksheet, if applicable
  11. LPF Waiver, if applicable
  12. Verified locate exists for the Support Payor
  13. Following the Screening Cases for Family Safety, prior to judicial action, attempt to interview the Support Recipient prior to referring the case.
  14. Confirm the Non-Disclosure Indicator (NDI) status is correct for all parties
  15. Review OnBase under DCSS Family Safety for Family Safety Questionnaire (FSQ) and/or other supporting documents that have been completed/provided in the past
  16. If an Order of Protection or an Injunction Against Harassment has been filed, attach a copy of the order to the referral (Process Step V below)
  17. Attach a copy of the most recent FSQ for both parties to the referral (Process Step V below)
  18. Attach a copy of the most recent IV-D Application to the referral (Process Step V below)
  19. Add Activity History A3016 FV SCREENING ADD’L COMMENTS to document that the NDI for all parties have been reviewed based on new information from the parties or from prior FSQs found on either OnBase or the Document Library within AZCares
  20. Upload all referral documents
  21. Click on Upload Document button on the cases tab
  22. Document Group: Select the appropriate drop-down
  23. Example: AZCares Case Files
  24. Document Type: Select the appropriate type based on the policy
  25. Example: For Member’s driver’s license use Official Document
  26. File name: Use a concise descriptive name of the document
  27. Example: Support Payor driver’s license
  28. Click Next
  29. Upload file (Limit 20 MB and PDF format)
  30. Click the Upload Files button
  31. Search for document to image
  32. If the document is a picture, it may be too large.
  33. Tip: Print to PDF may reduce the size of the image
  34. If a file continues to be too large to upload, split the file as necessary before uploading.
  35. When the upload bar is Green, click Done
  36. Click Finish
  37. Success File uploaded successfully will appear

Submit case for AGO referral

  1. Go to AGO Referral located within the Legal Processing section
  2. Press the “New” button
  3. Go to Referral Type field
  4. Go to Referral Sub Type field
  5. Go to AGO Referral Office field
  6. Click on Referral Documents Uploaded
  7. Press the “Save” button
  8. Go to Document Checklist
  9. Complete the checklist
  10. Press the Save button
  11. Press Submit for Approval button
  12. Press View Case Documents button
  13. Add Activity Code M2667 for Paternity Referral or M2668 for Establishment Referral


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example Change font on all pages to pink Jane Doe No Pink not within approved standard font scheme 4/13/2018